Friday, 16 September 2011

How do I tell how much time is left on my timing belt?

I have a 2001 Honda Civic and I can't remember if I ever changed the timing belt. I would like to say that I didn't. However, I feel like I changed it around 60,000 miles. A few months ago I was at a Honda dealership and my car was at 100,000 miles and I can't remember if they recommended that I replace my timing belt or not. Is there a way to look up on service records to find out or is there a way to look at my timing belt and figure out how much time is left?How do I tell how much time is left on my timing belt?If you have the ability to look at your timing belt...check it for any frayed edges or nicks...check the underside to see if it is still grooved and not wore and without %26quot;chips%26quot; in the grooves, check to see if there are any age cracks in the belt. If any of these things need to change it...if not the belt should be fine for a little while longer.

The biggest thing is if you have such a question..then you probably should change the belt...because this is one belt that if it breaks or will jump time and will tremendously add to the cost to repair all that.

good luck!

If you know where you might have gotten it changed yes they should be able to tell you.
How do I tell how much time is left on my timing belt?
60,000 is the recommend time. However you can open up the inspection cover on top of engine where the belt is. There look for spits, tears, or ragged edges. If you don't see them, then you are ok. As it is getting closer to 120,000, then would look at often. Have to remember that the belt is cheaper then a new engine when the timing belt breaks.
How do I tell how much time is left on my timing belt?
Call the dealership that might have done the service, and ask them. Once you took off enough parts to look at the timing belt, you've done the hard part, and might as well pay the $30 to buy a new one and put it on.
The manual on my '98' recommends that it be changed a 90K Mi.

(Can't help you with the remembering.)

It's a 'major service' item, as the front of the engine has to come off.

You can't tell by looking at it, and doing so , you'd be halfway there.

Check your owners manual under 'scheduled maintenance'.

Please don't hesiate to let me know if there is anything else

with which I can be of absolutely no help at all.
pull the top cover off it and inspect it, if you see any cracks in it or signs of age replace it ,if not it should be alright ,you can actually run longer on one than your supposed to ,but its not good to run to much past their due date,or mileage which ever comes first,you should have a few more miles left on that one good luck.
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