I told them that I have had the truck for 8 years %26amp; NEVER changed the timing belt because I thought that it had a chain instead of a belt. I asked them how much it would be to replace it - I never asked them to replace it.I did sasy %26quot;Do not take anything apart yet, I made that very clear%26quot; They said that it would cost a total of $150 to see if it was the belt - I said well it probably is because it has NEVER been changed in 8 years, so just give me a quote on how much it is for the belt to be replace before you do anything else, because I had just lost my job.Well they took the thing apart %26amp; said ooops something else is wrong, not the belt.Well nothing was fixed, they did MORE then I said that they could %26amp; now they want $265! I told them to stop at $70 %26amp; they didn't, what do I do now? I went %26amp; picked up my truck 3 nights ago and they just noticed today that it was gone.I say $70 they say $265 what can I do?!They say I have 3 days to pay or else,I said or else what?They said just or elseI took my truck in for a diagnostic that was to be $70, they called me%26amp;said that it might be the timing belt?Turn this around on them; report them to the Better Business Bureau and the Chamber of Commerce.
If there is a %26quot;watchdog%26quot; agency in your state, report it to them as well, and file a complaint.
In California, the agency is the Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Automotive Repair. It is administered by the State's Attorney General's office
For future reference, when dealing with a repair facility, if they don't offer a WRITTEN estimate, one that you either sign or initial, drive away and don't leave your car.
In all states, the shop has a right of %26quot;Mechanic's Lien%26quot;, and it can be levied against you so that the car cannot be sold, or in some states, even licensed or insured.
Happy MotoringI took my truck in for a diagnostic that was to be $70, they called me%26amp;said that it might be the timing belt?I am not sure about what was writeen here, or signed, or anything like that. but I BELIEVE that if you didnt sign anything, thy cannot come after you for the money. How can they proove that you said its ok for them to do all that stuff, especially if you didnt. I think there just calling your bluff, good luck.I took my truck in for a diagnostic that was to be $70, they called me%26amp;said that it might be the timing belt?I would let them know that I never agreed to fixing it and if they have documentation indicating that I agreed to all these repairs with my signature, then I would like to see it. Other than that you will be happy to pay the $70 that is owed by you. Regarding your address, they can look it up by the registered owners address by the vin %26amp; license plate info they probably took down for their computer records. I'm suprised they didn't get your signature for the repairs before they completed them. I'm sure they won't do that again. ;)Here's the deal with the timing belt: if there's a problem with it, your truck will either not run, or run so badly that you couldn't drive it anywhere. A timing belt will either break or slip a tooth and it will go bad immediately, not get gradually worse over time. If your truck didn't go from just fine one minute to barely running the next, it's not the timing belt and they should know that.
If your truck is still not running right, you need to take it to a better mechanic. My expertise is maintenance, not law, but I think you owe them no more than the $150 you agreed to for further diagnostic work. If it were me I'd offer them $100 and tell them they're lucky to get that because I still need the money to pay a REAL mechanic, you know, the kind who FIXES things.I can't think of any truck with a timing belt.If you got your vehicle,then just stay away from those people.If by chance they find the truck and try ANYTHING,you just go ahead and call the police.The so-called service they did cannot be charged to you without a signed work order.Stand firm.You can bet they have your license plate number. Call the better business bureau. Thenyou'll be one step ahead.Pay the damn bill, you should have never taken the truck without talking to them anyway. besides, what does 70 dollars pay for anyway? What ever they did, if its fixed, just honer it and put it down to experience, there is no way your belt or chain would cause problems, its either working or not, so most likely in this case, they are telling the truth, and that not like me to say that. Just pay them and move on. Serious, the belt or chain, if it goes, it goes, and you would know about it, if the truck worked when you took it too them, it where definitely not the belt. Edx
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