Saturday, 24 September 2011

Timing belt on a 1997 Mazda MPV?

I just spoke with Kendall Mazda service rep. to see how much it cost to replace the timing belt and he told me that the timing belt is metal and does not need replacing as long as I do regular oil changes. What????Timing belt on a 1997 Mazda MPV?you need to call that dealer back and thank him for being so honest,which most dealers are not,which is why they get such a bad rap.your car has a timing chain not a belt which you will never have to replace unless you have a catastrophic engine failure.if that happens the chain will be the least of your problems.
Timing belt on a 1997 Mazda MPV?
It's a chain, and you should thank him for being honest. The info is in your owners manual maintenance schedule. You don't have to worry about the chain until it's making quite a racket. You'll hear it if and when it happens.

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