Friday, 16 September 2011

To change the timing belt on a ford escort 99, how much would it be?

Parts cheap about $70 but I believe it is about 3.5hrs flat rate to change the belt.To change the timing belt on a ford escort 99, how much would it be?200-400 dollars depending on where you live and the labor rates in your area!!!
To change the timing belt on a ford escort 99, how much would it be?
$ 250.00 to 350.00 should not be anymore.
To change the timing belt on a ford escort 99, how much would it be?
About 4 hours' work. The water pump is sitting next to the timing belt, so might as well change the water time at the same time. Other than the part, mechanics do not normally charge extra for this work. Put your self on the save side, make sure the mechanic would do this job at no extra charge.

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