Sunday, 5 June 2011

How much would it cost to change a honda civic 92 dx hatchback timing belt and alternater belt and water pump?

just wondering how much would it cost me to change a timing belt and water pump on a honda civic 92 dx hatchback. by the way the milelage is about 139***|||shouldn%26#039;t be more than 200. But if you do it yourself, it might be just 50 bucks.

See the answer below. Changing all those parts is a CAKEWALK!!! I%26#039;ve changed PISTON RINGS while parked outside my storage locker, laying on my back in the gravel, when I was homeless. All professional mechanics are THIEVES! 300 dollars, my aass.|||Man I gotta get Jersey to work in my shop, hes working for free at the rates he quoting.

Flat rate on your car is 2.8. So it%26#039;s going to be 300 labor, the water pump is $40 and the timing belt and tensioner (you always replace tensioner it even comes with the new belt) is $70. So your looking at just over $400 for the job.

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