I have a 1995 Toyota Corolla that%26#039;s close to 118,000 miles. I just need an idea on how much would it cost to do it including and excluding water pump. I changed the timing belt once when it was 58,000.|||I%26#039;m not an expert on this car but you generally need to replace timing belts every 60,000 miles, so you are just coming due. It will usually cost more at a dealer for a timing belt replacement than at a neighborhood mechanic, assuming you have a neighborhood mechanic that you trust for such work. I would expect a dealer to charge $500-750 for a timing belt replacement and a local mechanic to charge $350-500.
It is very likely that the mechanic (either at the dealer or an independent) will recommend replacing other parts, including belts, rollers, gaskets and the water pump. It%26#039;s usually fairly difficult to get the timing belt off so it makes sense to replace other things that are in the vicinity of the timing belt. Therefore, don%26#039;t be surprised if there is a list of other items that the mechanic recommends for replacement.
When I replace a timing belt, I almost always replace the water pump and I check carefully if any rollers or tensioning components look questionable. It%26#039;s far easier to replace these things now and save the possibility of an inconvenient failure. But I hear you if you can%26#039;t afford to tack on $200 of miscellaneous parts.|||cheap I hear,not sure about the exact amount|||go to your local mechanic|||Cost varies, depending on accessories your car has, specifically: A/C, 2WD or 4WD. I can assume your car is 2WD with a/c.
The timing belt itself (the part only, cost %26lt;$50.00), but the installation requires removal of entire front of the engine. So the big cost is labor, probably $200 to $300. Since the water pump and timing belt are next to each other make sure to have the water pump replaced at the same time. You wouldn%26#039;t want to go back 6 months from now and pay $50 for water pump and another $200 to $300 in labor.|||when you do the timing belt its every 90K miles.
you got awhile to go before you need it done again
but most wont do the timing belt without doing water pump/accessory belts.
my guess on price would be about 200-300 bucks
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