Sunday, 5 June 2011

99 Toyota camry, 91000+ miles, do i need to change my timing belt? how much does this cost (max/min)?

please include labor costs in your estimation of how much this should cost me. Someone told me with that many miles the timing belt could either last another 10,000miles or could go out tomorrow, i%26#039;d rather be safe than sorry if that%26#039;s true...

Thanks so much for all your help!!!|||Well the long and short of it is that, at least accordingly to Toyota%26#039;s recommended service interval you are certainly due to change the timing belt, and you could expect to spend about $250 for the job. Tbe belt itself is about $30 and the rest is labor.

Now as to whether you should change it really depends on your attitude about money and the potential for getting stranded--and let me explain that.

Toyota builds only what are called non-interference engines, which means that when the pistons inside each cylinder rise to their highest point of travel they are never high enough to strike the exhaust or intake valves even in their fully opened positions. An interference engine, conversely, can have a valve strike a piston if the timing belt or chain breaks resulting usually in catastophic damage to the engine.

As I said though, yours is not an interference engine and that cannot happen. So, if you are tight with a buck, and do not mind the potential that one day you may be driving along, and the belt will break--maybe tomorrow, maybe 50,000 miles from now--and the car will putter to a halt and you will be walking or calling for help and a tow--don%26#039;t change the belt. I work on a good many cars, my own and those of my friends.. On non-interference engines I generally recommend taking one%26#039;s chances unless you are elderly or infirmed and often I have seen the belts go 50 percent or more beyond the projected lifetime. The only exception I have to that is if you are hearing a valve clatter in which case your belt may be so badly stretched that the tensioner cannot take up the slack. But if the valves are still quiet, and you are willing to take your chances with an unpredictable breakdown--you are not putting the engine at any risk.|||If your timing belt is okay then don%26#039;t sweat it.... get a complete tune up done ($100) and they%26#039;ll let you know what you need to replace (if anything). Toyota engines last a ridiculously long time 250k+ easily with regular maintenance. Don%26#039;t replace things that don%26#039;t need it..... that%26#039;s just a waste of money.|||the guy before me had a really dumb answer 91,000 mile it is time to change your timing belt it will probably cost no more than $250 parts and labor and you should be could to go if the belt breaks more than likely it will do severe engine damage so get it done know|||John is right, the timing belt is critical on this particular engine, and at 90K it%26#039;s time to replace it. $250 sounds about right.

After that check your oil and coolant level every few weeks, change the oil 3 or 4 times a year (4-5,000 mi) and it will last 250K. Read the owners manual for recommended service for stuff like coolant, transmission fluid, and air cleaner. It%26#039;s time well spent. Good luck.|||Don%26#039;t listen to the other pin heads!

Timing belts should be replaced between 60,000 to 90,000 miles some go a little further. Check the owners manual or ask your Toyota Dealer.

A timing belt replacement costs $400 to $500 depending on the car and equipment.

I spent 30 years working on foriegn cars so take my word!

The exact mileage changes a little from manufacturer to manufacturer and model to model. So ask Toyota!

There is a 90,000 mile service to, get that done also!|||change the belt....better safe than sorry! the total work will run anywhere from $250-$350 depending on where you go. i had mine changed in feb cost me $275 but i deal with these guys all the time. labor is what%26#039;ll kill ya in this job!|||As a driver of Toyota products for the last 18 years, I would highly recommend changing your timing belt now. The book for my 99 camry says you should change it approximately every 60k miles depending on driving conditions. My Toyota certified mechanic always recommends I change mine at 80k miles because I only use it for long distance highway driving (I travel a lot for my job). With well over 200k miles on it, I say it%26#039;s money well spent. I%26#039;ve never had any %26quot;major%26quot; work done to this car except I had to replace a light because my wife hit a deer one night.|||4 clyinder t-belt should pay 3hrs 6 cylinder should pay 4hrs.

you could wait another 10,000 miles i have seen them go 160,000 and not break. if it does it will not harm any thing, it will just strand you.

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