Sunday, 5 June 2011

How much does it cost to change a timing belt on a Toyota Camry 1997 LE?

I%26#039;ve called numerous places and they told me it%26#039;d cost $250. That%26#039;s expensive, is it? Is there a better deal? Please advise.|||This site shows it cost $100-250.鈥?/a>

In Missouri (in the country), you might find someone that will do it for $120. According to that site, it is a 2-3 hour job. Most people in Missouri charge about $40+ an hour. I noticed that your in Boston, so on the east-side, you are going to be charged more, because everything is more expensive on the east-side. The central part is the cheapest, however, we make a lot lower wages.

Whatever you do, don%26#039;t go to Pep Boys, they charge too much. They wanted $40 just to change the oil. Wal-Mart changes oil for $18.

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