Sunday, 5 June 2011

How much does it cost to change a timing belt at a local auto repair?

i ask this guy at this local auto repair and he told me it would cost you $500 for changing timing belt on your 92 camry|||The Labor according to the Mitchell Labor guide to replace the Timing belt and the water pump is between 3.5 and 4 hours. So, If the labor rate in your Area is say 80.00 per hour, that is $320.00 plus the Belt, Water Pump and you should always replace the Tensioner for the Belt. So $450.00 to $500.00 sounds about right.|||water pump, tensioner and pulleys should be checked as well. I never quote timing belt jobs without discussing the other components that usually are failing. 90% of the time, pulley bearings are noisy and some tensioners need to be replaced to insure you don%26#039;t have premature failure and pay labor of R %26amp; R again. Water pump I agree with previous answer is a must. Don%26#039;t skimp, and if you have a no tolerance engine, (valve to piston clearance) any failure will cost you big time $$$.

I would be in the $700.00 or so range with all quality components. Also, make sure the belt is OEM or highest quality. The extra cost is trivial compared to premature failure.|||NO NO NO go to another garage and do not discuss the other mechanic ---- just ask for an estimate and then go to 4 or 5 more and see where you get the best price ---- not telling us the city that you live in is leaving out the price factor of labor -- like downtown NYC the price is about ok ... somewhere else not so good .... should be about 250.00 to 325.00 depends area ...|||maybe little bit high (should be about $400 +/- $50). But make sure the price includes the WATER pump.

Good luck...

==== UPDATE ===

The price also depends on the car. My Audi cost me $1350 at the dealer. My Civic cost me about $400 at a local shop.

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