Sunday, 5 June 2011

How much does it cost for a Timing belt change Please.?

I have a MG Rover ZS (2001). I am having the Timing Belt changed. All other jobs have been done so it is just that. It is being done at the local garage, not main dealer.

How much (average guesses) might I need to pay ?.|||About $600|||not to much reletively simple on zs%26#039;s be surprised if it is over 200 pound most garages and diy mechanics charge %26quot; **** up payment%26quot; on the event of belt being faulty or a puley and causing it to jump, this will cause valves to bent and potentialy the engine, and who do you blame %26quot;THE MECHANIC%26quot; who fitted it so he has to pay for valves and fix it for you even if it was belts fault ..|||check this link its good


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