Sunday, 5 June 2011

How much to change Timing Belt on 2001 Toyota Solara?

Have to get it changed soon. What am I looking at paying?|||I Just got my 99 Solara done.I don%26#039;t know where these other people got their prices for a dealer to do the work..but when you get your timing belt, you also need to get your water pump changed. This is always done because if the water pump goes bad, they must tear the engine apart again to do it, and if the timing belt needs to be done, it is highly likely that the water pump needs to be done too. Both these things can be done at the same time because the engine is open. I paid $1200 at the Toyota dealer to have it done properly. Good luck.|||250-500 bucks depends on where you live and where you go to get it done.|||It%26#039;s $149.95 at our dealership.

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