Sunday, 5 June 2011

How much should I pay for a time belt change on a 1992 Lexus LS400?

The car has 120,000 miles and I was advised to change the belt but the price seemed too high for a part change even with California standards. I was wondering if anyone has a ballpark price for this part change. Thank you.|||With all due respect to %26quot;December M,%26quot; do NOT follow that advice. Preventive maintenance is always better (and less expensive) than corrective maintenance. The flat rate for changing the timing belt is 4.6 hours. Find a reputable garage that will do the work, check them out with the Better Business Bureau, and try to find one with the lowest labor rate. At $100/hr, the labot would be $460.00. The price for the timing belt may be somewhere near $175 - $200.

Should the timing belt break while the engine is running, engine damage wold most likely occur and the cost would be well above the replacement of just the tiing belt.

Good luck.|||I would never change a belt until it breaks, otherwise how do you know you got your full use and money%26#039;s worth out of the old one?

Below me-

The engine will only be destroyed if you drive a long distance on a broken belt.

PLEASE, I know : )

Automechanics are always trying to scare you so you give them your money.|||the person above me is wrong

if you wait till it breaks, then the engine will also be destroyed..

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